Featured product
Summer Deals
Screened Topsoil
- $20.00
- $12.50
Per Cubic Yard Our most popular product! Black dirt that has been screened and broken down into a fine material, free from any debris, rocks, or excessive clay clumps. Our topsoil is 100% natural with no additives. It's the foundation of a thriving landscape. Screened topsoil can be used in final...
Peat Moss
- $53.50
Peat moss is a general name for a large variation of mosses. In addition to compost, Peat Moss is a natural soil conditioner perfect for increasing the soil's ability to absorb and retain water, and to promote nutrient intake. As a natural soil conditioner and additive, Peat Moss can provide tr...
Garden Mix 3-1-1
- $44.50
- $43.00
Ready to use and nutrient-dense. This mix is composed of 3 essential ingredients: Screened Topsoil, Compost Mix, and Sand (Mix ratio 3-1-1.) We chose compost mix and Sand to be used as a central ingredient for our garden soil due to its fertilization and water retention properties, making this a...
Park Premium Garden Mix
- $55.50
- $53.50
All the best stuff in one mix. A garden soil mix composed of a 1-1-1-1 ratio of our screened topsoil, garden sand, peat moss, and compost mix. This blend will reinvigorate your garden or yard into a bustling ecosystem. Created with our 100% natural screened topsoil and topped with peat moss to en...
Blog posts
March 24, 2018
Topsoil in Edmonton
About Our Topsoil Park Topsoil provides topsoil products for residents of Edmonton and for commercial clients located in Edmonton and surrounding cities. Our company works hard to provide our clients with the correct types, volumes, and the kind of high-quality soil people need and deserve.Park Topsoil supplies different types of soil products including garden mixes, screened topsoil, peat moss, manure, and sand. The high quality of our soil products makes Park Topsoil the number one company ...
March 24, 2018
Final Grading Edmonton
“We provide final grading in Edmonton.” Park Topsoil offers topsoil in Edmonton! We not only provide the highest quality topsoil with the best service around! Our prompt service and friendly staff are what makes us the best topsoil provider in Edmonton.Do you need topsoil in Edmonton? Look no further, when you order topsoil with us, we deliver right to your door! We provide final grading and topsoil leveling in Edmonton as well! We have had very many large topsoil projects in Edmonton. Each o...